Vascular care at Catholic Health is rooted in the latest, evidence-based treatments available, allowing our skilled team to provide the best possible care to each patient we see.
The Thoracoabdominal Branch Endoprosthesis (TAMBE) procedure is a cutting-edge treatment for complex aortic aneurysms. The TAMBE is primarily used for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms (TAAA), which is a bulge in the aorta that extends from the chest into the abdomen. This often impacts the arteries supplying blood throughout the body, including the kidneys and other vital organs.
Approved by the FDA in January 2023, the GORE®️ EXCLUDER®️ TAMBE is a first of its kind device that offers a more advanced, minimally invasive option for repairing life-threatening aortic aneurysms. The TAMBE device is a custom-made, stent graft with multiple branches designed to fit around the aneurysm. This allows the blood to flow through the graft and factor out the weakened aneurysm wall.
Unlike open surgery, the TAMBE procedure uses small incisions in the groin. The device is then guided through blood vessels to the aneurysm site, using imaging guidance and placed appropriately to treat the affected area.
Our experienced team uses this innovative approach to help patients, which frequently leads to decreased hospital stays, quicker recovery times, and lower risks of complications.
To learn more about this and to determine if you are a candidate for the TAMBE procedure, schedule a consultation with one of expert vascular surgeons. Visit us online or call (716) 706-2112.